The polyphonic modular synthesizer software Alpha Forever Modular has been updated with new modules and workflow enhancements.
2022’s first update brings lots of new nodes and improvements, like lots of new waveshapers, a resonator, node replace, node exchange, GUI enhancements, additional trigonometry and algebra.
Changes in Alpha Forever Modular 22/01
- New nodes:
- Saturator: anti-aliased saturator.
- Foldback: anti-aliased foldback waveshaper.
- Sine folder: anti-aliased sine folding waveshaper.
- Clipper: anti-aliased hard clipper.
- Polarity: anti-aliased waveshaper.
- Reflect: anti-aliased waveshaper.
- Allplus resonator: modified Karplus-Strong resonator.
- New math nodes: SinH, CosH, ASin, ACos, ln, lb, 1/x.
- New features, workflow enhancements:
- GUI enhancement: ‘list select’ borders removed, inactive elements have opacity.
- GUI enhancement: palette font sizes changed for a more organized look.
- GUI enhancement: hover scopes appear time became shorter.
- Workflow enhancement: replace selected nodes with the last node selected while keeping patch connections by hitting ‘R’.
- Workflow enhancement: exchange node from palette while keeping patch connections by right-clicking on an empty area of a node.
- Phase delay output added to Filter 1p Modulated.
- 1pole Lowpass filter pickup output added to Filter 2p RC Modulated.
- Allpass filter pickup output added to Filter 2p RC Modulated.
- 3pole, 2pole, 1pole lowpass, and 2pole bandpass pickup outputstg added to Filter 4p RC Modulated.
- Fixes:
- Frequency shifter: fixed the noise caused by the frequency shifter.
- Inactive nodes: fixed an issue, where several nodes became inactive when pasted.
- Clipper AA: replaced the hard clipper with a more efficient anti-aliasing algorithm.
- Fixed reverb nodes phasing artifacts, and reduced the amount of modulation.
Alpha Modular Forever is available for Windows, priced $80 USD.
More information: Alpha Forver