Andreas Busk-Jepsen has released Kontakt and EXS24 version of the Are You Prepared sample set.
Pieces of wood, strips of plastic, rubber, bamboo and cloth as well as weather stripping, bolts, screws, nuts and coins… placed between the strings of a grand piano… This instrument is one of many ingenious musical inventions thought out by sound philosopher, inventor and revolutionary composer John Cage (1912-1992).
This original arrangement of everyday objects placed between the strings of a grand piano has become known as the ‘prepared piano’. Although the instrument sounds amazing and like something out of this world, it is largely overlooked.
Are You Prepared features
- 37 prepared piano samples of unusually high quality.
- All samples are recorded in the renowned concert hall of Esbjerg Music Conservatory, Denmark.
- No streching or looping has been made in the digital sampling process; each note has its own unique sample.
- The careful choice of microphones and their placement in, over and under the piano results in an intimate feel for the instrument.
The Are You Prepared samples are now available in Live Packs for both Simpler and Sampler, Kontakt and EXS24 formats.
Visit the Are You Prepared website for more information.