AriesCode has released version 0.7.7 of AriesVerb, introducing 64-bit support for the multi-effects processor for Windows and Mac.
Built on a “Feedback Delay Network” algorithm, AriesVerb can do reverb, delay, echo, flanger, chorus, phaser, comb filters, body resonances, pitch shifting and much more. It can also do hybrid effects by blending any of the above.
On the Mac, AriesVerb is now deployed as a universal (fat) binary which will load seamlessly into both 32-bit and 64-bit hosts. On Windows, AriesVerb ships as two discrete dlls, one for each architecture.
Some improvements and bug fixes have also been made. Check out the release notes for the full details!
Changes in AriesVerb v0.7.7
- Added support for 64-bit architecture on both Windows and macOS platforms.
- Avoid causing a switch to ‘high performance graphics’ on macOS.
- Fixed possible crash when editor is displayed in Reaper.
- Fixed a possible buffer overrun bug.
- Fixed presets not being listed when ‘fxp’ extension is in capitals.
- Added output clipping in addition to feedback clipping.
- Avoid unnecessary processing when filters and envelope follower are disabled.
- Corrected accounting of floating point operations for the statistics page.
- Added ‘measured sample rate’ to the statistics page.
- Increased Windows API version to Windows Server 2003.
- Increased macOS deployment target to macOS 10.6.
- New presets: 8 Minute Reverb, Ambulance, Granular Pitch Shift Dn HQ, Granular Pitch Shift Up HQ, Octave Cycle, Sparsity (no modulation), Piano Hammer, Piano Reverb, Plate and Echo Works, Plate Panner, Plate Predelay.
AriesVerb (VST) is available for purchase for 99 EUR / $109 USD. Registered users can update at no charge.
More information: AriesCode