Audio Assault has released version 1.2 of Head Crusher, an analogue saturation effect plug-in for Windows and Mac.
Head Crusher is the ultimate analogue saturation workhorse, Head Crusher can go from subtle warmth to full on harmonic destruction.
Use it to give drums more power, to make vocals stand out in the mix and sound more aggressive, even use it with a synthesizer and cook up new and exciting sounds, the possibilities are endless.
Changes in Head Crusher v1.2
- Gain recalibration.
- Fixed latency issues.
- Fixed phasing issues.
- Added mix knob.
- Fixed recognition errors in Logic X.
Head Crusher (VST/AU/RTAS/AAX) is available for purchase for $29.99 USD (personal/small business license) / $49.99 USD (full license).
More information: Audio Assault