Bela D Media has launched Phantom Voice, a Gregorian style choir instrument library for Native Instruments Kontakt.

Powered by advanced scripting features within Kontakt, Phantom Voice does not incorporate sampled vocal phrases but a selection of sustained vocal elements – Fah, Rah, Sah, etc. In addition, you will find standard sustained vowels – Ah, Ee and Oh.

Special features include, user defined 4 round robin sampling of the main vowel family, sample offset polyphonic legato, creation and storage of custom vocal verses, attack and release control per vocal step and real-time playback sequencing by way of the Bela D Media’s V Script:

  • 24-piece choir section.
  • Male choir.
  • Far microphone positioning.
  • Church ambient with IRF included.

The sample library is available for purchase for $100 USD. Users of V Alto Choir can save $25 USD off until December 31st, 2014.

More information: Bela D Media