BHK Samples has announced it is celebrating its 10th anniversary with a sale on Drum’n’Bass Rough Connections packs and a giveaway of the complete BHK Samples catalog.

We want to take this opportunity and thank all users, friends and distributors for your support during the last 10 years! We have been a part of many, many artists careers over the years and it was always inspiring and impressive to hear how the samples have been further processed by each of you differently and used in your productions.

Only through your trust in our work, BHK Samples have become one of the most influential sample company for modern drum’n’bass music production. The last ten years showed us that we are on the right way and we will continue bring quality production tools for your ever growing library.

Celebrate with us our 10th anniversary and save 50% off our Drum’n’Bass Rough Connections sample libraries until 31. Jan 2016! These have been used by many popular producers worldwide to push the sound of drum’n’bass music in new directions. Don’t miss the chance to get your hands on this rich drum’n’bass sample library for less!

The sale ends January 31st, 2016. For a chance to win the complete BHK Samples catalog, simply share this post on Facebook.

More information: BHK Samples