Cableguys has released a public beta of MidiShaper, an effect plug-in for Windows and Mac.
Enhance your synths and effects with MidiShaper. Powered by Curve’s unique modulation engine, MidiShaper brings Curve’s flexible yet powerful LFOs and envelopes to all your favorite synthesizers and effects.
Four powerful LFOs and four envelope generators work together in a sophisticated modulations matrix which can be set up to output modulated pitch, modwheel, channel aftertouch or any MIDI control messages.
MidiShaper’s LFOs can be ever-running or retriggered, synced to your host sequencer from a buzzy 1/128 to an expansive 32 bars, set to the played note, or free-running from 0.02 Hz up to the audible range and brain frequency. Just as Curve, MidiShaper features completely editable waveforms for its LFOs.
If your plugin or host sequencer allows for MIDI control, you have a great tool at hand to create vivid, inspiring sounds, and bring the flexibility of Curve to your favorite software plugins or hardware synths.
Public beta v1.0b1 is now available to download for Windows and Mac (VST, 32-bit/64-bit).
MidiShaper will be available for €10 EUR/$15 USD for a short while after release. The regular price is €20 EUR/$30 USD.
More information: Cableguys
This company, “Intelligent Sounds,” needs to team up with “Good Looking GUI’s” because their orange and blue skins look ugly and amateurish.