Channel Robot has released Solid Snare:Drumagog, a sample library for use in the Drumagog 5 drum replacement instrument by WaveMachine Labs.
Solid Snare:Drumagog features a meticulously recorded set of samples from 116 different snare drum instruments, recorded in 24-bit wav files, at 8 different velocity layers, and including 5 variations for each velocity layer(round-robin). A total of 40 wav files for each instrument.
Solid Snare features a wide range of sampled acoustic and electronic snares, all custom edited to appear in 8 different drumagog groups for realism in Drumagog 5. Over 500MB of sound data is included in more than 4700 wav files.
The sample library is available for the introductory price of $12.95 USD (regular $15.95 USD).
More information: Channel Robot / Solid Snare:Drumagog