The Loop Loft is offering a free copy of its Linear Drums Bundle with any purchase during its Customer Appreciation Week, in which you get a 50% discount on all packs and bundles.

The bundle offers three MIDI drum packs with the linear drumming style, where no two limbs strike the drums and cymbals at the same time.

The Loop Loft Linear Drum Loops

Customer Appreciation Week at The Loop Loft is off to a great start, but I wanted to make things even better for you. You’ll now receive one of our #1 bundles for FREE with your purchase this week. This is one of our most unique products, and I promise it will change the way you think about drums.

Customer Appreciation Week is coming to an end soon, so don’t miss out. Just use the following code at checkout and you’ll save 50% on everything* in your cart (you’ll also receive that awesome drum bundle for free).

Use discount code THX17 at checkout to get 50% off your order.
The sale ends June 5th, at 12am ET.

More information: The Loop Loft / Customer Appreciation Week