I used to consider Dinosaur Jr. as one of my favorite bands when I first started listening to alternative guitar/rock music and I have fond memories of playing songs from Bug and You’re Living All Over Me with my teenage friends.
But times change, and so did my musical preference. It’s not that I don’t like that type of music anymore but I just listen to more electronic stuff these days.
Reading about Dinosaur Jr.’s latest album Beyond got me a bit excited though. For this album they got back in their original lineup of J. Mascis, Lou Barlow and Murph. I guess Barlow leaving Dinosaur Jr. almost 20 years ago (after the Bug tour) wasn’t all bad (Sebadoh!), and J made some great albums pretty much all on his own, but in my opinion Dinosaur Jr. is best with these three guys in it.

Critics are quite positive and fans seem to love it. So, if you’re into alternative rock just give it a try (I know I will).
Check the Dinosaur Jr. website for more information.
Link via Bleep