Sean McColgan of Dystopian Disco has announced the release of version 0.8 of its Korg volca fm M4L Editor, a Max for Live device for controlling the volca fm digital FM synthesizer by Korg.

Dystopian Disco Korg volca fm Editor M4L

The Max for Live Korg volca fm editor enables you to control your volca fm inside Ableton Live, giving you control of the modulation matrix, the ability to generate new sounds on the fly (from deep bass, to otherworldly sci-fi efx) with an in-built randomization feature.

The volca fm M4L Editor is available for download with full randomization (including ARP settings) and without ARP randomization.

Future developments aim to include deeper parameter control of patches, LFO modulation and randomization of all parameters, and an inbuilt SYSEX editor to send and receive patches.

More information: Dystopian Disco