Erica Synths has announced the availability of the latest, recently redesigned Hexinverter module for Eurorack.

Following the successful re-launch of other Hexinverter modules including Mutant Hot Glue, Mutant Brain and Mutant Machine, Mutant Rimshot retains all the functionality of the original module including its all-analog signal path, while adding additional features.

The Mutant Rimshot is a rimshot and clave percussion synthesis module inspired by analog drum machines of the past. Like the other Mutant Drums, Rimshot is capable of going above and beyond vanilla sounds. The module contains expressive CV options, an external input and a multi-mode analog filter – allowing users to create unique percussion sounds in a modular synthesizer set up.

Mutant Rimshot features

  • 3 oscillator modes
    • Rimshot HI mode imparts classic rimshot sounds.
    • Rimshot LO gives a lower pitch range; the filter on this setting can impart low tom and kick drum sounds.
    • CLV (Clave) mode uses just one of the oscillators, bringing a brighter, higher percussive sound.
    • A switch on the back lets the user select between original and extended pitch modes. Original mode can allow rimshot sounds modeling those of classic machines (in Hi mode), whereas extended mode gives a wider range of pitch, at the expense of classic accuracy.
  • 3 filter modes
    • Use lowpass or highpass filter modes for classic sounding rimshots.
    • Highpass and bandpass can give a wider range of clave and rimshot sounds, as well as completely different percussive elements (especially when turning the resonance up!)
    • VCF IN lets the user blend the clave or rimshot with other sounds. Adding filtered noise can bring a more acoustic sounding rimshot, or pseudo-snare type sounds.
  • Novel decay and filter mod controls
    • The MOD DECAY envelope controls the decay of the VCA envelope.
    • The VCF MOD attenuverter allows users to modulate the filter cutoff with the MOD DECAY envelope.
    • Alternatively, a switch on the back lets users modulate the filter cutoff with the pitch-controlled internal VCO, for filter FM style percussive hits.
  • The Hexinverter Rimshot is available to purchase for 160 EUR.

    More information: Erica Synths