Hal Leonard Books has announced it is shipping Power Tools for Cubase 7, a book by Matthew Loel T. Hepworth.
Cubase is a program that transforms your computer into a complete recording studio, providing every button, knob, switch, and fader found in a hardware-based studio, plus a few extra controls that don’t normally exist in that realm. Cubase 7 offers practically unlimited tracks for musicians, producers, and music enthusiasts alike, limited only by the power of the host computer. With so many options, the processes of composing, recording, editing, mixing, and mastering can be challenging, but Power Tools for Cubase 7 will help the reader easily and efficiently take advantage of all that creative power and flexibility.
Power Tools for Cubase 7 was written with the new user in mind. First, you’ll learn the process of installation and proper studio configuration. Then, you’ll learn the foundations of rudimentary Cubase operations; how to avoid common mistakes; how to properly record and edit MIDI instrument and audio tracks, and how to use techniques that produce smoothly polished and powerful results. Finally, you’ll learn how to add mastering treatments for a professional-sounding, competitive, punchy, shiny, and loud mix!
The included DVD-ROM contains valuable supporting material and actual Cubase session files that add to the in-depth learning experience provided by Power Tools for Cubase 7.
The book is available to purchase for $39.99 USD.
More information: Hal Leonard / Power Tools for Cubase 7