Following in the footsteps of its successful single-channel predecessor, Heritage Audio has announced the HA-73 EQX2 dual-channel microphone premamp/equalizer.

Heritage Audio HA-73 EQX2

Heritage Audio’s premium processing excellence-exhibiting ELITE SERIES products are all made to the same specifications as its acclaimed ’73 JR (true 1073- style mic preamp in a single 500 Series slot), ’73EQ JR (fully-featured line input module for the 500 Series), and DMA 73 DUAL MIC AMPLIFIER models in a price range with no contenders. Combining mass production, lean manufacturing, and modern construction techniques has helped Heritage Audio to reduce the high costs associated with western European-manufactured goods, guaranteeing the same quality standards for all of its products. And all without forsaking key components called upon for achieving a true vintage sound, such as industry-standard Carnhill transformers, hand-wound in St Ives, England.

Employing three correct-vintage ‘Vinkor’ pot core inductors, the ELITE SERIES’ HA-73 EQX2 DUAL MIC AMP/EQUALIZER’s EQ curves are almost indistinguishable from the handmade equalizers in Heritage Audio’s product line so customers can expect the same sonic quality and feel that they have come to appreciate from the company.

Cutting to the chase, then, the HA-73 EQX2 DUAL MIC AMP/EQUALIZER’s preamp section features gain, OUTPUT trim, -20dB PAD, polarity reverse, a high pass filter, and +48V phantom power while its EQ section features a high shelving EQ, midrange EQ, low shelving EQ, a variable high pass filter, and EQ bypass.

The HA-73 EQX2 DUAL MIC AMP/EQUALIZER itself is housed in a rugged, 2RU British steel and aluminium chassis and utilises an external power supply for facilitating low-noise operation.

The HA-73 EQX2 Elite is available for 1,511 EUR (excl. VAT) / $1,699 USD. It will be demonstrated at AES New York 2018 (Booth 340) on October 17th-19th.

More information: Heritage Audio