HISS and a ROAR has released a free 247MB package of 24 bit 96kHz stereo sounds.
First is a brand new but redundant VHS video deck someone gave me which I promptly pulled to pieces and tortured, then are some little wind up toys that I recorded sitting on top of an old 16mm film canister. Third is a strange little prop: an antique herb grinder that I bought in a junk store, which has a great squeak that can be performed at various speeds. Fourth are some sounds I made on my modular synth – analogue synthesis is one form of religion I subscribe to – watch your bass bins is all I can say! Fifth is a green watering can – the kind of practical Xmas present you might like, but as it is metal and very resonant I managed to extract some unique sounds from it when it contained a little bit of water & I could bend the pitch of the resonance. And lastly are some very strange glass squeaks!
The sample pack is a free download for HISS and a ROAR subscribers (subscription free).
More information: HISS and a ROAR