HISS and a ROAR has announced the release of Scaffolding, a new sound library that features recordings of a scaffolding support structure.

While musicians relish playing their instrument, gaining access to a new sonic playground for a sound FX recordist is a heavenly joy! So it was a pleasure to eventually find a scaffolding company who were open to collaborating and who had a workshop in a quiet location for recording. Along with wrangling individual scaffolding props, the guys also agreed to build a small structure for me, at a pace that allows room for sound editing.

Around the same time a friend bought a photo studio backdrop that came with a lightweight scaffolding support structure, so I borrowed components and recorded a range of material with it.
Check out the MAKING OF Video to appreciate the range of sounds. Captured 24bit 96kHz this library is invaluable for practical scaffolding sound effects but also contains a multitude of unique metal sounds….

Regularly $49 USD, the sound library is available at a 33% early bird discount until May 10th, 2020. Use coupon code SCAFF at the checkout.

More information: HISS and a ROAR