Homegrown Sounds has released a beta version of Ammonite, a virtual synthesizer instrument for Windows.
I’m pleased to announce the release of Ammonite, the latest Astralis Synth which builds on Bion but with a lot more power and functionality. Firstly, the TerraNova effects engine has been included which gives the synth a unique, diverse and powerful effects section.
Ammonite features (in comparion with Bion and Orgone)
- Modulation Matrix – Now has 7 destinations.
- Terranova FX Engine – Has up to 5 effects at once, 3 General purpose Modulators which can be many effects such as Flanger, Phasers, Pitch Shift, Filters, Mod Delays, Chorus, FM etc… Also includes SoundScaper, Stero Delay, Compressor, Drive with 4 modes, Graphic EQ, HIgh/Low Excfiters, Low Cut, Hi Cut and drag and drop Routing.
- A second LFO – Has two dedicated Destinations, used outside of the Modulation Matrix.
- Vibrato – With adjustable time and level, with a selectable source controller.
- Modulation Destination Quantizers – Allow each Modulation Matrix destination to quantize the signal to a defined amount, for glissando type effects.
- Global Pitch Shifter – Uses delay Pitch Shifting, can be set to Pre or Post FX.
- Two Envelopes dedicated to the Filters – With Level Control.
- 24 Note Polyphony – Max Polyphony is expanded to 24 notes (48 counting both synths). Custom Polyphony can be set to a lower amount using the Polyphony setting.
- Analog Mode – Four modes, each more extreme which apply distortion and random tuning to the sound, creating a warmer more analog sound.
- Low/Hi Frequency Exciters – Applies harmonic distortion to add Bass content or higher definition.
- Gate Sequencer 2 retriggers Modulators – Resets the Modulator LFOs for some interesting effects.
- Voice Reducer – Allows the total volume to be decreased with each note press to help balance the sound.
- 2 x XY Controllers – Can be assigned to a number of parameters, useful for recording automation.
- Built with SE 1.1 – Faster Graphics speed, Dual Core bug fixed,
- Keyboard Velocity Scales – 4 Different input characteristics to change the feel of the external keyboard controller.
- Bigger Envelope boxes – Makes grabbing much easier, especially with the release section.
- Better use of Display Area – The panel size is now larger resulting in a more logical layout and less pages.
- Master ON/OFFs for all sections – This is always visible at the right hand size for quickly enabling/disabling the main components.
- Flexibility – The oscillator and Modulators are designed so that it will be easy to add new modes in the future.
Ammonite will be free for Bion and Astralis Pack users. A beta version is currently available to download for registered users.
More information: Homegrown Sounds
I can’t download it! I registered, but nothing happens when I go to check out.
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