Konkreet Labs has announced Oblique, a free Max for Live synth.

Oblique is a Max for Live synthesizer which is completely mapped to Konkreet Performer. As a regular synthesizer, it receives MIDI notes from any MIDI device. Unlike regular synthesizers, the timbre of the sound is controlled by OSC messages coming from the abstract interface of Performer.
The main idea behind the synthesizer was to avoid the use of sliders and knobs, and remove technical descriptions of the synthesis process. Being completely controlled by the main geometrical object of Performer, Oblique allows you to shape your sound without thinking about what is inside the box.
Oblique has been designed, from the beginning, to fit both the interface and the visuals of Performer.
Hence, it is not a general purpose synthesizer, but more an audiovisual entity that you can shape and which will react in a certain way. Of course you can use it just for its sound, but Oblique reveals its true nature when working hand in hand with the visuals.As an additional feature, Oblique can be controlled uniquely from Performer, without MIDI input. It means that you can play it entirely by manipulating the geometrical object, while the graphics in the background give you visual feedback.
Oblique is available as a free download at Konkreet Labs. Requires Ableton Live 8 with Max for Live and Konkreet Performer.
More information: Konkreet Labs