KV331 Audio has updated SynthMaster FREE! to version

In the previous version there were quite a few problems with the installer and unfortunately it seems those haven’t all been fixed. The new installer needs Windows Installer 3.1 and .NET so if you don’t have those installed they will need to be obtained and installed first.

And again this installer does not allow you to select what you want to install (i.e. just the .dll) but installs the full package, which means you might need go look for the .dll file after installation and put it in your VST plug-ins folder manually… (The previous installer allowed extraction of the .dll file with a tool like WinRAR, but with this new installer that’s not possible anymore.)

Okay, now for the good news! This new version fixes some issues and adds new features as well:

  • FIXED: SynthMaster 64 cents out of tune
  • FIXED: Now mouse CC generation can be disabled from the I/O Setup screen (standalone) so that mouse movements don’t freeze
  • FIXED: knobs now work in “linear” mode instead of “circular”
  • FIXED: Synthmaster Standalone stops playback when using MME devices and changing parameters via mouse
  • FIXED: Normalized preset volume levels
  • NEW: Unison voices increased to 8
  • Unison pan spread parameter added. You can use easy parameters/midi links to use this parameter
  • Now Synthmaster responds to “all voices off” (CC 123) message
  • Added a volume level indicator status bar pane to SynthMaster standalone

All in all, these are not spectacular changes but at least it’s nice the synth is in tune now. Be aware though that SynthMaster FREE! is still causing some hosts to crash and the preset system might be a bit buggy also. So use with caution.

Update 01-12-2006: a new version v1.0.1.45 fixes a bug that caused Cubase and/or other hosts to crash and comes with an improved installer (does NOT require .NET framework).

Visit KV331 Audio for more information.