MARCEL Studios (previously FAIT CLIC) has released a vintage beat machine plugin for Windows.
Bringing the sounds of the 70s/80s, Kick me! is based on the samples of iconic vintage beatboxes such as the LinnDrum, Linn LM1, Oberheim DX/DMX, EMU Procussion, Drumulator, CR-78, KR-55 and many more.
The beat machines inside kick me became famous by many artists for its absolutly powerful sounds. Now they are all in the same instrument !
Kick me! features
- Sounds of the Linndrum (multi prest based on various EPROMs), LM1 (idem), DX/DMX (idem), EMU Procussion, EMU Drumlator (Drumlator Rock eprom – famous in the hit “shout” by Tears for Fears), Roland CR-78, Korg KR-55 and Minipops, and many more. Also includes the EMU SP-1200 iconic preset and the famous Roland MT-32 drum sound.
- 23 pads than can be played with the mouse and receive MIDI keyboard notes.
- MIDI CC Learn.
- Separate sections (kick, snare, hihat, toms, etc…) can be mixed to create brand new instruments.
- Pitch and pan controls for each section.
- Bitcrusher for old vintage flavor sound.
- All presets/instruments are GM MIDI mapped.
Kick me! is available for Windows (32/64-bit VST), priced at 9.90 EUR.
More information: MARCEL Studios
not 9 euro its 149
That’s a considerable price difference… Seems to be for a 1 year subscription even.