The AES Workshop (W2) on Friday October 9, will preview Max for Live, a new product from Ableton and Cycling ’74 that puts the power and potential of Max/MSP/Jitter into Ableton Live, enhancing Live’s creative possibilities and allowing users to create new, custom instruments, effects and devices.
Hotly anticipated, Max for Live is the culmination of over two years of co-development by both companies. Max for Live looks set to provide the worldwide community of Max/MSP enthusiasts and Ableton Live users with creative capabilities they’ve never imagined.
The workshop will feature a discussion of Max for Live from the perspective of classically trained violinist and composer Mari Kimura in the context of her own ongoing work with interactive performance technology at the Juilliard School. Kimura will discuss and demonstrate Max/MSP as an interactive tool and show how she uses Ableton Live in production. She will also talk about Max for Live and its potential uses for musicians of the future.
Kimura will also demonstrate the “Gesture Follower” on her violin, a project being developed at IRCAM in Paris and implemented in Max for Live. In addition to Kimura’s artistic perspective, David Zicarelli, CEO of Cycling ’74, and Gerhard Behles, CEO of Ableton, will provide insight into the overall vision of this joint project.
More information: AES / Max for Live Workshop