“Bad news about Michael Jackson, more after the break”.
I didn’t get more than that last night, as I shut the TV before finding out what exactly this bad news was…
From CNN.com:
Pop icon Michael Jackson died Thursday after being rushed to the hospital after suffering cardiac arrest. Jackson, 50, was taken from his Los Angeles home to UCLA Medical Center where doctors worked for more than an hour to try to resuscitate him, his brother Jermaine Jackson said. An autopsy is scheduled for Friday.
Now I am in my early thirties, so I was a teenager at the time the songs from Thriller and Bad were broadcast on the radio and TV. I remember how “cool” Jackson used to be. A proper pop icon. Everyone knew his songs like Beat it, Smooth Criminal and Billie Jean.
I wonder if the kids of today will think back of the music they like now, as I do about Michael Jackson’s work of the 80’s.
Things have changed over the years. For me, for Michael, and for pop music in general. We used to have pop stars, now we have pop acts — which generally don’t even last longer than 2 years. Kids’ attention span has changed… the music industry cares more about profit than music… how exciting is it to buy a track from the iTunes store anyway? Cold digital bits and bytes.
Anyway, check Michael’s Wikipedia page for more info on the life and music of the King of Pop.