Paul Nasca PaulStretch 2.0

Paul Nasca of ZynAddSubFX has released version 2.0 of PaulStretch, an extreme time-stretching software for Linux and Windows.

Changes in PaulStretch v2.0

  • Added free envelopes, which allows the user to freely edit some parameters.
  • Added stretch multiplier (with free envelope) which make the stretching variable.
  • Added arbitrary frequency filter.
  • Added a frequency spreader effect, which increase the bandwith of each harmonic.
  • Added a frequency shifter which produces binaural beats (the beats frequencies are variable).
  • Added 32 bit WAV rendering.
  • Other improvements and bugfixes.

The documentation will be updated soon and Paul is planning to make saving/loading of all parameters possible as well.

PaulStretch 2.0 can be downloaded here.