Perimeter Sound has announced the Bio-Mechanic Beats Triple Bundle, a collection of 3 sample packs.

The Bio-Mechanic Beats Bundle includes all 3 volumes of this well known series. All total that’s over a gig and a half of beats, basses and percussion loops tempo and key tagged (where applicable) all ready to throw into your latest production, or to get you started on a new track.

The Bio-Mechanic Beats collections include a huge variety of acoustic drum kit and hand percussion loops, as well as drum machine and synthetic electric beats – and lots of unique combinations of in between, Bio-Mechanic Beats are one of a kind.

Freebee packs are available to try-before-you-buy from all 3 sets.

The bundle is available for purchase for $39.95 USD. A free copy of Wireless for Tone2 Firebird+ is included with a purchase. Wireless 2 is free with purchase of the Kunundrum triple bundle loop sample set.

More information: Perimeter Sounds