Plugin Boutique has announced a new round of free gifts that come with any purchase made in its store through December.
This Month its Fundamental Bass form WA Production, MTurboCompLE from Melda Production, Royal Compressor from United Plugins or the Compression Fundamentals Producer Tech video course.
Now, this works the same way as the last couple of giveaways. These are free with purchase. Once you’ve added something to your cart and then go to the cart you will have a list of these gifts to choose from. Select the one you want and proceed to check out.
It also means that if you make more than one purchase you can actually get more than one of these! You can get one for every purchase up to 4. Isn’t that awesome.
The following products are part of the promotion:
- Royal Compressor by United Plugins: A classic compressor offers pleasant saturation and sensitive compression.
- MTurboCompLE by Meldaproduction: Emulates most of the classic vintage analogue compressors.
- Fundamental Bass by W.A. Production: Tighten up the dynamics of your low end whilst keeping the snap and sparkle of mids and highs.
- Compression Fundamentals by Producertech: A comprehensive course on compression by senior tutor Rob Jones.
You can make multiple purchases to get each item. The offer is valid until January 3rd, 2021.
More information: Plugin Boutique