Plugmon has recently released AIKO, a new skin for the Diva virtual analog synthesizer by u-he.
AIKO features a modulation system like the one found the Massive Modular skin for Zebra 2, taking inspiration from the modulation system of Native Instruments Massive.
It also includes a unified interface for the VCF modules, LFO indicators, static XY pads, and more.
The skin pack comes with a bonus FACTORY T-2020 soundset, a collection of 435 patches with subcategories to indicate the character of sounds.
The AIKO skin pack (incl. bonus soundset) is available for purchase for $15 USD.
A demo pack is available for download, with some restriction on the skin (less colors, some knobs missing, etc), and a collection of 128 patches from the T-2020 bonus soundset.