Homegrown Sounds has announced the release of two MIDI sequencer instruments for Native Instruments Kontakt.
Procession is a dedicated MIDI sequencer that allows using the MIDI Output of Kontakt to sequence any software or hardware synthesizer you direct it to.
The idea was to create a Sequencer which allowed using different tempo and step length Sequences which are run through a Scale Remapper to easily create and explore complex Sequences. It also has a simple mode which locks all Sequencers to a single Frequency and Step Amount which is useful if you want to create chord style sequences
It uses 4 identical Sequencers, as well as independent Frequency and Step length for both the Trigger and Pitch Sequences, each sequencer also has Tuning, Length Percentage and Velocity controls which all support host automation. Additionally each of the Trigger sequencers can also be used to sequence an external CC plus a base value knob and it can run alongside a trigger sequence or just be used to sequence the CC.
Procession is on sale for $14.99 USD (regular $29.99 USD). It is also included for free as a bonus in the Augment Group Buy.
The free Chordian offers a variation on Procession, with more of an emphasis on stacking pitches and lacking the CC implementation.
Chordian dispenses with 3 of Processions Trigger Sequencers but keeps the pitch Sequencers so that all 4 Sequences are played via a global trigger sequencer. The idea is that in Simple Mode you can easily line up all sequencers to see what is playing across the steps and it is therefore much easier to build Chord type sequences. Polyrhythmic operation is still possible however when Simple mode is switched off, except that it is just the pitches that are Polyrhythmic.
It still keeps most of the features from Procession such as the Scale Remapper, individual Length%, Velocity%, tuning capabilities, the file Browser and the Randomizers. It can even load Procession presets using the ‘A’ sequence for triggering, and on the other side Chordian presets can also be loaded into Procession.
Chordian for Kontakt 5 (full version) is available as a free download to anyone with an Homegrown Sounds account (registration is free).
More information: Homegrown Sounds
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