Shoulda Woulda Coulda Inc. has announced the Polychord Video Contest, a chance to win $500 USD.
We’re looking for a video that show the world why polychord is one of the best iPad music apps around. The only rules are that you show off polychord (and use it somehow in making your video) and that you don’t steal anyone else’s work (don’t use songs and/or imagery that don’t belong to you). Other than that, the video can be just about anything. It can be funny, beautiful, low tech, high tech, experimental, slick, cheap — whatever you envision.
Say you’re a songwriter — write a song with polychord and document the process. Perhaps you’re using polychord in a setup with a ton of vintage gear. Show the world how it works. Maybe you know polychord inside and out, and want to make a tutorial. There are tons of options.
On October 15th, 2011, the highest ranked video will be picked as the winner.