Sinevibes has announced the release of a new version of its spectral sequencer plugin for Mac, Windows and Linux. Array v4 is an unique effect which splits audio into 8 frequency bands, and allows you to apply a gate sequence onto each band separately, creating rhythmical motion in the spectrum.
Compared to its predecessors (released in 2012, 2013 and 2016), the new Array v4 uses neutral crossover filters that do not color the sound in any way – but the resonant bandpass filters are optionally available too.
Array is a spectral sequencer effect plugin for Mac, Windows and Linux. Using multiple crossover filters, it splits audio into 8 frequency bands that are separated exactly one octave apart. Each band then runs through a gate controlled by an advanced step sequencer – allowing you to carve the audio spectrum in precise rhythmical fashion. The crossover filters themselves have a clean, neutral character and do not color the sound in any way – however, Array also features 8 band-pass filters (one for each band) with variable resonance and slope, and those can be enabled for more radical spectral effects – even up to vocoder-like morphing. Additionally, the spread function can gradually pan the frequency bands across the stereo field.
The sequencer holds a total of 8 different gate patterns with up to 32 steps each, and offers a very wide range of timing settings for creating polymetric or polyrhythmic motion in any time signature. The gate switches on every frequency band are shaped using a two-pole low-pass filter for natural yet snappy transitions. Combined with the unique design of the filter section, this sophisticated timing engine makes Array an extremely versatile instrument for complex rhythmical manipulation of the sound spectrum – going anywhere from surgical precision to filtering beyond recognition.
Array v4 (VST3, AU and AAX) is available to purchase for $29 USD. The update is free for those who purchased any version of this plugin in the past.
More information: Sinevibes