Hinton & Fairchild has released version 1.2 of BIGROOMKIXSYNTH, a free synthesizer instrument specifically created for making kick drums and…
Browsing: Hinton & Fairchild
Hinton and Fairchild have announced the release of Donk Machine 2, a free synthesizer instrument for Windows. Donk Machine is…
Hinton & Fairchild have released BIGKIXDIPPA, a free sidechain emulator effect plug-in for Windows. Hinton & Fairchild’s BIGKIXDIPPA is a…
Hinton & Fairchild has launched FMetal Synth, a free synthesizer instrument for Windows. FMetal is a deceptively simple, but powerful…
Producer duo Hinton & Fairchild has released Bigroomkix Synth, a free kick drum/percussion instrument for Windows. BIGROOMKIX SYNTH is a…