The Musicology Group has announced the release of a guitar effects app for iOS.

From the first batch of transistorized effects to the latest boutique pedals, experience a fresh take on classic fuzzes and distortions, phase shifters, chorus/flangers, echo/delays, and wahs.

Given the history with such a long list of great sounds it was difficult to decide where to start, so why not right at the beginning. Starting with the very first transistorized fuzz effect released in 1962 we begin our journey.

Follow with us as we revisit a long list of classic effects for the electric guitar through our first app for iOS, Vintage Guitar.

Vintage Guitar features

  • Free Compressor and Amplifier models to instantly shape your tone, based on timetested vintage designs.
  • Easy-to-use Floor Controller for configuring Presets and routing controls to effects in your signal chain with a focus on live performance.
  • iOS standards like Inter-App audio for use with Garageband, crosstalk suppression when using the headphone jack as an audio input, Background Audio support, and Audio Session mixing to allow jamming along with iTunes tracks.
  • Expanding Pedal Shop of vintage effects with a free download to get you started, as well as an option for subscription-based participation which will unlock all current and future products and updates.

The Vintage Guitar app is a free download from the iTunes App Store. In-App purchases and subscriptions are available.

More information: The Musicology Group / Vintage Guitar