Togu Audio Line has released version 1.4.5 of TAL-Sampler, a sampler instrument for Windows and Mac.
TAL-Sampler is not just a sample player. It’s a full featured analog modeled synthesizer with a sampler engine as sound source, including a powerful modulation matrix and a high quality self-oscillating 24/12/6 dB low pass filter.
Changes in TAL-Sampler v1.4.5
- Improved mouse wheel zooming in mapping view.
- SFZ import with loop start 0 fixed.
- Channel aftertouch added for modulation source AT. Reads also poly aftertouch when available.
- View jumps to slice position when selecting a new slice in the mapping view.
- Play when selected added to the audio file browser.
- Resampler view issue should be fixed -> let us know if somewhere still have issues that it does not show the expected knobs.
- LFO phase setting added.
- Cancel directory scanning after 500 folders when choosing a too big preset folder (v.1.4.4).
- SFZ offset to import and export added (v1.4.4).
TAL-Sampler for Windows and Mac (VST/AU/AAX) costs $60 USD.
More information: Togu Audio Line / TAL-Sampler
Updated to v1.7.1
– Import SFZ from the main menu while playing crash fixed.
– Changing presets can lead to crash fixed.