ToneBoosters has updated its effect plugins for Windows and Mac to version 2.8.7, including fixes &; improvements to the Flx dynamic equalizer.

Changes in ToneBoosters 2.8.7

  • All plugins
    • Resolved issue that key files are sometimes not found on Windows 7+.
  • Flx
    • Fixed some GUI bugs when running in demo mode.
    • Added X=Y helper line in compressor editor.
    • Removed y-axis dependency on compressor make-up gain.
    • Reduced CPU load by a factor of two (latency has increased).
    • Fixed a bug sometimes causing wrong filter types when a non-auto link node was in-between auto-link nodes.
    • Added global dry/wet control.
    • Effect of global input gain, output gain and dry/wet controls are now visualized in the equalizer curve.
  • EBULoudness
      Changed channel mode menu to have automatic, stereo, and 5.1 modes.

ToneBoosters plugins are available for Windows and Mac (VST/AU).

More information: ToneBoosters