Ueberschall has announced the launch of its new website.
From now on the complete Ueberschall product line can be purchased online at http://www.ueberschall.com
The soundbanks are available as full products or as single packages, so called download packs (DLP).
Apart from the shop the new website offers the follwing new features:
- a complete new design for easy access.
- simple and fast filter selections to browse through the whole Ueberschall catalog.
- wishlist function to save your favorite products.
- a producers page to gain a look behind the scene.
- newsletter system to keep up with the latest info by ueberschall – click here to subscribe.
Ueberschall has also announced the start of a beta phase of Elastik 2, a new version of the plug-in that is powering Uberschall’s sound libraries.
In the finetuning of Elasitk 2 the public beta phase is announced. The whole plugin has been rebuilt and includes a huge bandwidth of new features to work with the Ueberschall material.
More information: Ueberschall