WaveDNA has released version 1.3.4 of its Liquid Rhythm and Liquid Rhythm Intro beat generator software.

The latest update features bug fixes, improvements, and better Ableton Push support. Enhancements to the Ableton Push MIDI script allow for a smoother workflow in Liquid Rhythm Max for Live mode.
Another important improvement, the Scale Selector, available in Max for Live plugin mode, allows users to start experimenting with melody pattern generation.
Changes in Liquid Rhythm v1.3.4
- Live 9 Max for Live plugin mode only:
- Scale Selector – Generate melodic patterns by hiding away note lanes not in a specific key. Select root, mode, and octaves.
- Lock clip button (from the Clip Selector) added to the Ableton Push layout.
- Improved performance when switching Live clips and loading larger Live clips in Liquid Rhythm.
- Clip Selector feature is accessible when no clip is selected within Ableton.
- LiquidRhythm.amxd patch now has a very small version number printed in the bottom right corner.
- Unlimited Live clips now display as track name and clip number in Liquid Rhythm.
- Hitting User Mode in Ableton Push to gain access to Liquid Rhythm features will perform an auto-refresh to capture any changes made to the clip.
- Kit Editor – Organize and save instruments together as a Kit in Liquid Rhythm. (Available in the Kit tab in the Library Browser, and the View Menu).
- The Randomizer panel’s fourth slider can now be used to control randomization of Velocity, Groove Offset, or both together via a dropdown menu.
- In the Diagnostics tab, enabling Diagnostic logging has been changed from a drop-down to a checkbox for ease of selection.
- Added the option to swap between eighth-note and quarter-note based indicators in the BeatBuilder. (Right-click the numbers above the BeatForm Sequencer or BarForm List to choose).
- Changing clip name within Liquid Rhythm is now undo/redoable.
- Fixed an issue that would cause the file chooser dialogue box to appear behind Liquid Rhythm on Windows.
- … Additional fixes and more information available in the full release notes.
Liquid Rhythm for Windows and Mac is available for $129 USD, Liquid Rhythm Intro is $49 USD.
More information: WaveDNA