Xhun Audio has released version 1.8 of IronAxe, a physical modeling simulation of the electric guitar.
This is one of the most complete IronAxe updates ever, because it brings a widely improved Excitation Engine, Pickups Modeling, Pitch Bending Engine and many fixes that registered users asked for.
Changes in IronAxe v1.8
- A massive low-level code replacement: IronAxe is now 95% ready for cross-platform compatibility.
- The Excitation Engine has been updated to version 2.0: this brings greater realism over the strings vibration process and to the whole simulation accuracy. Excitator materials are also more accurately represented, everything accessible through the same user-friendly GUI.
- In the Excitation Engine it is now possible to adjust the Finger Release noise amount (the interaction of a finger leaving a vibrating sting).
- The Pickups Modeling (for Single Coil, Humbucker, Steel Plate) has been seriously improved, featuring even more accurate frequency responses, clipping, and simulating pickups interactions with the Electric Guitars’ Tone knobs.
- The Pitch Bending Engine has been updated to version 2.0: now it is possible to simulate both a “Whammy Bar” or a “Finger Slide” action, with an extended range that goes from +-1 up to +-7 semitones. For all the details, check out the user manual.
- The Pitch Bending “note retrig issue” has been fixed.
- The Pitch Bending is now properly linked on the GUI side.
- The Damping Detune Compensation Engine has been updated to version 2.0.
- The Distortion and Overdrive Stomps have been slightly improved.
- The 3-band Equalizer Rack Effect has been improved.
- All Factory Presets/Banks have been updated.
- All the additional “KeyPerformer-ready” presets have been embedded into the main soundbank. They are labeled with the suffix “[KP]”. The “[KP]” labeled presets simply represent a specific electric guitar’s setting (selecting the proper plectrum material, picking position, etc. – and the same is for the FX, Stomps, Cabinets, etc.) and they are especially designed to be a quick way to perform strums, power chords, palm-muted chords and chunks, etc. through the KeyPerformer Engine. Just load a “[KP]” labeled preset, select “KeyPerformer” as Input Mode and start performing true-to-life phrases without the hassle of setting each parameter manually.
- The product installer has also been updated.
IronAxe for Windows (VST) is available for purchase for 99 EUR.
More information: Xhun Audio / IronAxe