Zynewave has released version 2.28 of Podium, a professional music production software solution for Windows.
Scanned plugins are stored in a global plugin database. Added device menu commands for updating projects with changes to audio/MIDI interfaces and plugin installations.
Changes in Podium v2.28
- Scanned plugins are now stored in a global plugin database. This database makes it simpler to avoid rescanning of plugins when creating new projects and when updating the plugin setup in existing projects. The database file is stored as a standard Podium project file in the Podium setup folder.
- Added a plugin option selector to the Create New Project page. The first time you create a new project you have the option to build the plugin database. In the following new projects you can select between: “load plugin database”, “rebuild plugin database” and “update plugin database”.
- Added a new project option selector to the top of the Create New Project page. You can select between stereo, surround, or any of your saved project templates. This replaces the old “Project Templates/New Project” submenu.
- Added the option to “open properties dialog for new arrangement” on the Create New Project page.
- Added several new commands to the Devices menu on the project start page: “Update audio and MIDI mappings” will update the mappings found in the audio and MIDI folders to match any changes made in the interfaces setup dialog. “Load plugin database” will replace the current plugin setup in the project with the latest scanned plugin database. There are also commands for rebuilding and updating the plugin database. The “Load plugin setup from template” submenu can be used to load customized plugin setups from project templates. This menu replaces the old “Project/Project Templates/Load Device Setup” submenu.
- When changing selections in the Interfaces dialog a messagebox will appear asking if you want to update the audio and MIDI mappings in the project.
- Editing curve sequences for Zynewave plugin parameters now use the default value from the plugin editor, instead of always defaulting to zero.
- Made minor changes and improvements to the import of MIDI files.
- Uploaded a MIDI file tutorial video to the ZynewaveDotCom YouTube channel.
Podium for Windows PC is available to purchase for $50 USD.
More information: Zynewave
Sonic Visualiser has been updated to v1.7.1.
– The RDF importer does a better job of assigning labels to layers, layers to panes, and values to labelled regions.
– Interactive editing in the Text layer benefits from the same improvements as made in 1.7 to Note and Region layers.
– The layer data editor window has a text search feature.
– The main window status bar now shows the last label to have passed the playback position in the current layer, at the right end of the status bar.
– The Russian translation has been updated.