AskVideo has released Pushing The Limits!, a video tutorial course by Jordan Rudess.
Ableton’s Push is the most innovative new instrument to hit the market in years. So we decided to place one in the hands of the world’s most innovative keyboard player: Jordan Rudess. See how Dream Theater’s synth wizard pushes Push to the limit!
When we proposed this course to our partners at Ableton, we wanted to see what magic might happen when a master musician/composer met Push for the first time. So we sent a pre-release version of Push to Jordan Rudess and gave him week to learn it before our camera crew appeared a his front door. We set up a video shoot –in his technology filled music room– and set the stage to let Jordan share his experience and expertise in creating and performing with Push.
The course is available AskVideo Library Pass subscribers now. A HD download is available from macProVideo.com for $19.50 USD.
More information: AskVideo / Pushing The Limits!