AZ Audio has released PolyGrid, a free MIDI editor and pattern sequencer for Windows PC.
PolyGrid features
- 64 patterns, variable pattern length (in beats count).
- User-defined grid frequency.
- User-defined editor snapping value.
- Midi recording with optional input event quantizer.
- Midi channel and status input filter.
- Most of the real time midi events handled (not poly AT).
- Various playback modes (loop, sequential, triggers).
- Pattern import/export (not midifile).
- Undo/redo history, action repeater.
- Editable midi event list.
- Solo CC output, making midi learning easyer.
- Notes operations: constrain to scale, chords, quantizing, transform.
- Events operations: smooth, quantize, transform.
- 48 ticks per beat.
- Each pattern owns its settings (grid frequency, quantizer value, midi filter, etc).
- Resizable user interface.
Polygrid is available as a freeware VST instrument for Windows PC.
Visit AZ Audio for more information.