Bitwig has released version 1.0.8 of Bitwig Studio, a music production software for Windows, Mac, and Linux.
From sound design to music creation, discover the new standard in customized workflow. Bitwig Studio inspires you to take greater control of your productions, giving you access to every aspect of your workflow as needed. Streamline your creative process and quickly take your music from ideas to complete songs, tracks and compositions. With Bitwig Studio, you’re in command of a workflow that works best for you.
Changes in Bitwig Studio v1.0.8
- FIXED Modulated value pie was not shown correctly for some values.
- FIXED Changing the length of multiple selected notes spread over multiple clips in track note editor behaves erratic.
- FIXED Visual glitch in preview when drawing expression events over multiple audio events using pencil tool.
- [1.0.8 RC3] IMPROVED Added symmetry control to distortion device which controls the mix of even/odd harmonics.
- [1.0.8 RC3] IMPROVED Added Slope control for the decay of the E-Hat device.
- [1.0.8 RC3] IMPROVED Better solo behavior for return tracks.
- [1.0.8 RC3] IMPROVED Note pencil tool should disconnect mouse cursor during dragging to avoid limitations of movement.
- [1.0.8 RC3] IMPROVED Can’t drop MIDI file on existing track.
- [1.0.8 RC3] IMPROVED Use pixel threshold for adjusting note length and velocity using pencil tool.
- [1.0.8 RC3] IMPROVED Individual note-length memory per track.
- [1.0.8 RC3] IMPROVED Changed default install location for windows installer not to include the version number, which was causing shortcuts to the executable to stop working after upgrading.
- [1.0.8 RC3] IMPROVED Allow release-candidate builds to be installed in without uninstalling the normal builds on windows.
- [1.0.8 RC3] IMPROVED EQ2/5 display now show modulation.
- [1.0.8 RC3] FIXED External instrument didn’t send MIDI CC to the selected channel.
- [1.0.8 RC3] FIXED Sampler playback was missing the first 7 samples of the attack.
- [1.0.8 RC3] FIXED MIDI drag&drop from microtonic didn’t work on windows.
- [1.0.8 RC3] FIXED Wrong default value for Step MOD (32/1).
- [1.0.8 RC3] FIXED metadata with sub-paths (shell plugs-ins/soundfont patches) no longer work.
- [1.0.8 RC3] FIXED When adjusting note velocity, only audition changes when auditioning is actually enabled.
- [1.0.8 RC3] FIXED Hanging note when auditioned track changes while a key on the piano roll keyboard is pressed.
- [1.0.8 RC3] FIXED Quantize regression: quantizing a chord kills all but one note.
- [1.0.8 RC3] FIXED Crash when moving track with clips into FX section and then moving it out again.
- [1.0.8 RC2] FIXED Crash on startup of fresh install.
- [1.0.8 RC2] FIXED Random crashes when using library.
- [1.0.8 RC2] FIXED Recover the latest state of a plugin when recovering documents.
- [1.0.8 RC2] FIXED Crash when exporting empty arrangement as MIDI file.
- [1.0.8 RC2] FIXED There’s no way to remove a bookmark from the browser.
- [1.0.8 RC1] NEW Automatically backup the state of plugins every minute when the engine is not playing.
- [1.0.8 RC1] NEW MIDI file export.
- [1.0.8 RC1] IMPROVED Importing type-0 MIDI files should split events into different tracks based on MIDI channels.
- [1.0.8 RC1] IMPROVED Importing MIDI file should consider track name metadata.
- [1.0.8 RC1] IMPROVED Importing MIDI file should consider tempo meta events.
- [1.0.8 RC1] IMPROVED Allow to adjust note length and velocity when inserting notes via double click and drag.
- [1.0.8 RC1] IMPROVED Allow velocity adjustment when drawing notes using pencil tool by dragging vertically.
- [1.0.8 RC1] IMPROVED Audition notes when clicking on them (if enabled).
- [1.0.8 RC1] IMPROVED Avoid note start jumping when using note pencil tool.
- [1.0.8 RC1] IMPROVED Remember last note length when using pencil tool for notes.
- [1.0.8 RC1] IMPROVED Improved efficiency of monitoring library locations when new files are copied or deleted from library locations.
- [1.0.8 RC1] IMPROVED Audition notes (if enabled) when adjusting note velocity.
- [1.0.8 RC1] IMPROVED Change the minimum LFO rate in various devices to 0.01Hz and minimum synced rate to 32/1.
- [1.0.8 RC1] IMPROVED Better VST keyboard handling on windows.
- [1.0.8 RC1] IMPROVED Normal sustain pedal behavior.
- [1.0.8 RC1] FIXED device controller mappings didn’t reload correctly after saving them.
- [1.0.8 RC1] FIXED Split at onset wasn’t limited to the range of the selected event (s).
- [1.0.8 RC1] FIXED PDC for meters & automation limited to 32768 samples.
- [1.0.8 RC1] FIXED Graphical glitch in note expressions.
- [1.0.8 RC1] FIXED Crash when reversing very long files.
- [1.0.8 RC1] FIXED Saving a clip with a device containing a layer device in a slot would crash.
- [1.0.8 RC1] FIXED Bouncing sometimes missed notes if it was started at the exact same location as the transport last stopped.
- [1.0.8 RC1] FIXED Novation Launchpad does not work on Linux.
- [1.0.8 RC1] FIXED Crash when saving plugin state for a plugin that is no longer in the document.
- [1.0.8 RC1] FIXED Removing a directory under a library location that started with the same name as another directory alongside it would remove indexed information for the other directory too.
- [1.0.8 RC1] FIXED Dragging note or audio event start can result in overlapping notes.
- [1.0.8 RC1] FIXED Changing velocity in piano roll editor via Ctrl/Cmd+Shift+Drag should also work when the target note is not selected yet.
- [1.0.8 RC1] FIXED Stretching audio events might result in overlapping events.
- [1.0.8 RC1] FIXED Crash when splitting at onsets, then quantising to wider grid than event lengths, then dragging event start.
- [1.0.8 RC1] FIXED Rare crash when double-clicking on clip in clip-launcher to show its contents.
- [1.0.8 RC1] FIXED Note velocity cannot be changed by dragging not with modifier if note is not selected.
- [1.0.8 RC1] FIXED Random crash when tooltip hides on Mac OS X.
- [1.0.8 RC1] FIXED Crash when moving clip from effect to non-empty master track.
Bitwig Studio is available for purchase for 299 EUR / $399 USD.
More information: Bitwig