Cinematique Instruments has released Downbeat Box, a new sample library for Kontakt.
Downbeat encompasses a wide variety of music-styles. But it´s much wider than those terms of “laid-back electronic music” alone would indicate. DOWNBEAT BOX is a fresh and exciting exploration into this world – highly playable, this essential selection will be a wonderful resource for use in a broad range of music styles such as electronic, pop and score music productions.
DOWNBEAT BOX is fed from many organic as well as synthetic sources. Beautifully sampled from such diverse sources as voices, whistling noises, feedbacks, guitars and sounds and slices of the subtractive synthesized legendary KORG MS20, the package contains a mishmash of pads & textures, beats, rhythms, percussions, add-ons and solo-sounds. Check out all the opportunities the instruments provide by using the modwheel or the programmed surface of Kontakt.
Downbeat Box features
- Ambient A (Sampled guitars transformed to a calm ambient pad, modwheel controls sound).
- Ambient T (Deep evolving texture).
- Gentle (Sinus sounds formed to a chary and careful background).
- Insidious (Rude and nasty sound, controlling delay amount and feedback).
- Maryn (Simple and effective short sound).
- Maryn Arp-MW (”Maryn” with arppegiator, 12 available presets controlled by modwheel).
- Meseno 1 (Short ambient sound, generated by the KORG MS20 ).
- MS20 Rhythm Bank (39 looped beats created with sounds of the “MS20 Rhythm BSH”-instrument, 1- or 2-bars, tempo-synced, controlling LP/HP-Filter, Delay and Reverb, each with free-assignable controller).
- MS20 Rhythm BSH (Bass-Drums, Snares and HiHat, exclusively generated with the legendary MS20 – like the old drum machines worked, separate volume controller for BD, SN + HH and amount of distortion).
- MS20 Perc Bank (43 looped percussive and tonal beats of the “MS20 Rhythm Perc”-instrument, 1- or 2-bars, tempo-synced, controlling LP/HP-Filter, Delay and Reverb, each with free-assignable controller).
- MS20 Rhythm Perc (A bunch of noises, blups, slices and percussion sounds, exclusively generated with the legendary MS20).
- MS20 Sin Bass (A classical pure sinus bass, very low).
- Outta Space (Reminds of a theremin, moving the modwheel adds a real tape-echo-machine atmosphere to it).
- Tranquilizer (Beautiful mystic pad, made out of several feedbacks, whistling sounds and some human tones, modwheel controls sound).
Downbeat Box is available for purchase for 19 EUR.
More information: Cinematique Instruments / Downbeat Box