Cwitec has announced the release of a major update of its TX16Wx Software Sampler and TX16Wx Professional, adding many long asked for features and additional platforms.
TX16Wx Software Sampler is a plug-in for the creative musician, inspired and modeled after the best hardware samplers with all the ease and new exiting features of modern software.
Changes in TX16Wx v3.0.0
- Disk streaming: Ultra-low latency asynchronous disk stream engine.
- Improved sound engine with lower CPU usage: Improved sample interpolation and improved parameter processing (smoother sound).
- AAX support.
- VST3 support.
- New, program-centric UI with editors per-slot, allowing parallel edit of sound items on separate slots. Drag and drop content between programs.
- Mappable automation for sound parameters: MIDI listen and Automation listen.
- Two filters per voice.
- High DPI monitor support.
- Wave editor region selection for edit operations.
- Wave fade-in/out operation.
- Improved wave transient (slice) detection.
- Real-time non-destructive loop cross-fade.
- Automatic loop detection.
- Improved sampler module: Can record external or internal bus. MIDI generator/re-sampler for capturing full instruments quickly.
- Groups now act as layers: Sound settings are now separate objects shareable across groups. Samples mapping into self-contained regions, with individual keyboard/velocity range. Added volume/pan to groups. Added volume/pan/shift/tune to regions.
- Improved mapping editor.
- Internal drag & drop edit and copy-pasted between internal editors: Improved system clipboard/data transfer integration and content URI handling.
- Wave import now uses less memory: Improved WAV and AIFF file support.
- Improved importer: Improved SoundFont and SFZ import and support for EXS and AKP.
- Improved graphics rendering.
- Improved style sheet syntax.
- TX16Wx Professional: New playback modes: Pitch shift and time stretch engines.
- TX16Wx Professional: Per-slot MIDI arpeggiator with multiple automated patterns.
- TX16Wx Professional: Improved effects modules.
- TX16Wx Professional: New reverb effect.
- TX16Wx Professional: Added shift/tune/volume/pan to wave matrix cells.
TX16Wx Software Sampler is a free download for Windows and Mac. The Professional version costs 99 EUR (39 EUR for a non-commercial license).
More information: TX16Wx