DSK Music has released DSK Strings v1.0, a freeware classic string instruments VSTi plugin.
- 2 Layers (22 instruments)
- ADSR for each layer
- Octave and micro-tunning selector
- Effects: Flanger, Delay and Reverb
- Midi Automation
The instruments included are:
- Cello (p, sp, sf, sm)
- ContraBass (p, sp, sf)
- Viola (p, sp, sf)
- Violin (p, sp, sf, sm)
- Full String section (sp, sf, sm)
- Glisando Fx
p = pizzicato, sp = section piano, sf = section forte, sm = section marcato
DSK Strings v1.0 (31.0 MB) can be downloaded below.
DSK Strings v1.0 (Download size: 31.85 MB)
Make sure to check out DSK’s other synths if you haven’t before.
Doesn’t seem to work. Missing a lot of .sem files and will not play anything on Vita 2. Only downloads the .dll file.
It’s for 32-bit Windows PC only.
I love it so f*cking much. I really want to thank you for making this download available :)
I use DSK Strings in LMMS on Ubuntu 12.04 64-bit. I love the plugin except for popping/crackling sound, e.g. when I have several, short, repeating notes.. Any suggestions about how to fix this?
The problem with this plugin is that if you load 2 instances of it and then unload them -> it crashes. We are bulletproofing this for Mixcraft 6 b183, not out yet at the time of this posting. ;)
God, you have no idea how much this has fucked me up on my latest project. I wanted a simple easy to use VST, and thought I’d gotten it to finally work. Now it’s crashing constantly and it won’t even prerender a track. I lost a whole day’s work because of this plugin.
Hey Leigh, sorry to hear you’ve experienced problems with the plugin. Not sure what host you are using but what about just (re)moving the plug-in .dll from your plugins folder and then load your project?
exporting it makes the vst silent and it will not play the strings in the exported file
you guyz are fantstic. very realistic. easerly beats any vst ive used yet. diverse, easy to use, grate textures. its gonna be grate for my music. if your reading this comment and wonder if its any good. get it
love it love it love it
wRong Tom
This is the buggiest VST I’ve ever used. It crackles, glitches and crashes like none other in existence. Please release a new version.
gracias amigo :):)
Hi,Can I use this VST in CUBASE5
dvdubz I don’t have any problem with this plugin. I use it in FL 9 64bit with out a hitch.
what problem are you having?
Hey has anyone had any problems using this with FL 9?
use Lmms its freeeeeee……
Hi there, great VST, probably the best I’ve come across so far but I’m having a problem.
After making a song in the playlist and rendering it on Fruityloops to mp3/wav there is no sound when i play it back.
Everything crashes and i have to restart fruityloops.
Can anyone help?
nice share thanks very much greetz from turkey :))
this is by far my favorite vst plugin. it sux sometimes when it crashes, but that is prolly cuz i use fl studio.. so to make up for it, i just record my strings sample into edison and BAM! no crashes :D
@Colin, there will not be a Mac version as this is a SynthEdit plug-in which is only for Windows PC.
somebody knows if there’s a DSK Strings version available for MAC (.vst) ?
I’m having the same problem with cubase. Same message in above post
When I try to load either DSK Strings I get this message:
VST Mixer Warnings
This mixer configuration expected “DSK Strings” to have Output 1: Stereo,
-> The instrument currently has Output 1: Mono, Output 2: Mono,
-> The instrument channel will be silent.
Cubase LE4 only allows a stereo output from VST instruments. is there is any way to get the default output routing to just a single stereo output?
hi guys, i’m constantly having this problem where i just can’t render the strings into an mp3, the mp3 files comes out completely empty. I read the above comments and have tried starting new projects and going back and trying to render it..but it just won’t work..and after the render is done with the empty mp3 file, i can’t here the vst playing either, after which i have to restart the software..i use fl studio 8 b.t.w. please help me.
Hi there, i’ve got a problem. when i use this instrument in my project in FL 7, i can not hear the sound of this instrument in the exported file but i can hear it in the project. what’ the problem? what should i do? plz help me, thx a lot :X
Thanks for great VST instruments. And thanks Julio for the “AF_CHORUS.SEP”-fix.
To all of those who are haveing the “AF_CHORUS.SEP” problem: Go to the vst file where you’ve put your dsk vst and copy and glue a new one on the same folder. This will generate a copy (obsviously). Now just add that copy to your fl and use only one instrument per copy. Otherwise, you won’t be able to render your file to mp3. So the trick is always to make a copy for every new instrument you’re putting in the song.
@Chris, it should load as a VST instrument, so add it to a sampler channel by right mouse clicking on it, selecting add or replace -> more -> quick scan so the new plug-in show up, and select it.
how can i get the dsk brass and dsk strings into the sampler i got them into the mixer but cant seem to get them into my piano roll and such using fl studio 8 help
This plug-in`s dont work on my Cubase VST. I don`t know why. Only “the strings” work good. Another instruments are crashed by my Cubase. Can you help me?
How can I import this in Magix Music Maker 12 or 14?
Oh, and BTW, I’m not the same James as is above!
Hi all!
Just downloading it now, but while I wait, can somebody tell me what soundfonts are?
I get loads of poppin sounds on all of my sounds now as i installed the VST, no poppin sounds before on my original sounds, now the strings jus like damaged my normal mp3’s etc. any suggestions? it could be my sound card or Speakers?
Sorry the above comment should have said Windows 7 beta 64bit
I am having a problem with SaxophoneZ, Brass and ElectriK_GuitarZ are crashing Cubase Studio 4. It may be that it is happening because I am running 64bit Windows.
Can I get any suggestions here? Saxaphone and brass sounded good while they were working.
After that they kept crashing the program until I removed them from the VST directory.
I like the strings VST here, it is very nice sounding.
I have just one problem, which is fairly common. I can’t render it as an MP3. Ive got Acid Pro 6.0[f i think]. I am guessing it deals with the routing, as I have the stereo out versions of the acoustic and machine drum samplers, both work fine.
I even try to be crafty and open a hardware track while recording, and play the string samples through a undistorted synth, but as soon as I go to record, the VSTs stop sending MIDI.
Anyone have Acid Pro or know how I can route this to get sound to be rendered?
Many Thanks
Wish “Matt” had come back and commented. I’m having the same problem, as is another guy I know. I’ve written a song using this plugin, and it won’t export to an mp3, even though all other sounds (and many other songs) work fine. Using FL8. Won’t export to OGG either.
Also, when I open the song in FL8, the plugin sounds won’t load and play, like all other sounds. Anyone else have this issue?
Hi, I am using FLStudio 6 and used this VST plugin. The sound is pretty decent and I like it. But there are some issues. I have 3 tracks of DSK Strings and one of them playing different notes in succession (not very fast). Now when I play them together, the tempo slows down and it generates noises when it plays the successive notes. This is a show stopper for me. I cannot use just 1 track of strings. Any workaround? When does DSK plan to fix it?
Hey guys, if downloading doesn’t work make sure you’re not using some kind of download accelerator like DAP.
am using DAP.. and it is saying it requires a pass word or authentication
this vst will not export to mp3….I have FL8 and I have tried doing it in a new file :(
EXCELENTE.!! Excelente Pluggin, realmente lo recomiendo, quede encantado con el sonido tan ral que genera…..Los Felicito..!!!
EXCELLENT.! Excellent Pluggin really recommend it, is very happy with the sound generated ….. Congratulations..!!!
hay guys… can someone help me,i cant download this for several days…is the link disabled or what? if anyone can help,please feel free to write on divine_nol@yahoo.com . thanx
To Charlie: are you using Windows Firewall on your system? If so, check the ZIP file: right-click on it and select “Properties.” Near the bottom, it might say if the file is blocked because it came from another computer (ie. a download). It’s up to you to then click on the “Unblock” button, then press “OK.” Afterward, try to unzip DSK Strings into your preferred location on the hard drive.
@ DJ Snow: You’re asking for pirated software in the wrong place. FL Studio is NOT freeware.
You can buy it at 10% discount with the link in the sidebar, it’s worth it. If you don’t agree you should consider using some other software…
Hi Charlie, sounds like perhaps the download isn’t complete. Did you verify the zip file you have is about 31 MB?
how do I install DSK strings? winzip is telling me my pc cannot recognise the file…do i need some other program to install it with?
please, someone help…
ive been working on a track with your Strings vst, excellent vst might i add,
however when using it it with ableton live 7.09 it says there is a error in the vst and then just shuts down…any suggestions?
great stuff .but i got a problem.after some days of use with adobe audition 3, the programm characterizes it unsupported.i deleted it and inserted again but the prob remains .anyone knows something?
This is by far the best string VST I’ve heard in a long time. So customisable and effective, and a good sounding string VST is never frowned upon!
I’m using Cubase SX3 and have had no problems with it whatsoever.
To all of you using this with Fruity Loops, FLS is well known to have problems with VST’s of all shapes and sizes. You’re probably better off using Soundfonts with FLS.
Hi Halim,
Do you know how to install VST plug-ins in FL Studio?
It’s probably the same as in the latest version of FL Studio: http://www.flstudio.com/help/html/basics_externalplugins.htm
Let me know if you need any more assistance.
anybody please help me..!!
how to install dsk strings into FL studio 5 that i’m using? how does it functioning actually??
Luke AKA Elro thanks for the tip but I tried with the Dsk electrik and unfortunately it does help at all…I’m trying to take out the song as mp3 and cant because of that information:
If anyone can help pls I’ll appreciate.
Is the download actually there? I’ve been “downloading” it for about half an hour, still on 0%?
I’ve played the DSK strings in both Fruity Loops 3 and 7 – for some reason the ‘noise’ is worse in FL 3! In fact, DSK strings, brass and keys are all noisier in FL 3 – some other VSTis are the same in FL 3. Possibly an amp-to-amp overload so if you can, turn the volume down on your VSTi first! Also, the headphone output on my computer is noisy and not good enough to record from, so next is a USB output interface. Cheers, Mick W.
experiencing popping while playing strings. any suggestions? thanx
Many Thanks! The CREATIVE keyboard isn’t powered (no batteries or mains!) but I will certainly try your suggestions. Thanks again, Mick W.
Hi Mick,
I’ve emailed you some suggestions. You probably need to enable the MIDI keyboard in FL Studio.
The ‘piano’ keyboard (made by CREATIVE) has a MIDI out connection, which I plug into the USB of my computer via a MIDI-to-USB converter lead. Not seen any HELP files and CREATIVE say they can’t help – can anybody? Cheers, Mick W.
How do you have it connected? Did you read the Help File? Do you still need help?
My host DAW is Fruity Loops 7 and I’ve been using the computer’s own QWERTY keyboard to play music. Now I’ve got a MIDI-to-USB converter and a proper ‘piano’ keyboard, but I can’t seem to get this to work. Am I missing something here? I don’t know the first thing about MIDI. Cheers, Mick.
… hmmm… let’s try again …
I think the link for download the DSK Strings v1.0 is missing, please take a look on it (it doesn’t take to any kind of download, instead of that, it redirects to another review)
only success im having at this is by creating multiple version of the DSK Strings.dll and the DSK strings folder.
maybe as a suggestion that the DSK strings work more as a sampler ,,, so it has a small .dll file while only using a single .wav file,,, this would be beneficial cos its only loading what it needs,, instead of the whole 30mg .dll ??
or you could make one main .dll ,, and have different modes so it can resample the Brass sounds as well as strings, b3x, and elektric keys???
please dont critique my ideas,,, as i fully apprecriate and respect the DSK team.
ok when trying to replace the strings VST in FL 7.0 ,, i get the error message
hey there! ,, with the FLSTUDIO 7.0 problem its something to do with fruity wrapper,, im not sure exactly but im having a good look into this,,,, cos in fruity 7 you cant have too many strings open other wise they all screw up
whoops I forgot to say thanks in that last comment before posting. Thanks!
If by host you mean program I’m using, I am using FL Studio 7. I tried it again by starting a new project and it worked. :D
I just hope it will work after I save a new project
Hi Matt, what host are you using? I’ve seen this before with FL Studio, but I think it was resolved by the user just by starting another project.
How come I can’t export this plugin’s sound into an mp3?
DSK changed the name from DSK StringZ to DSK Strings (since StringZ might be easily confused with Krakli StringZ)