J1000 has announced the release of CL36, a free three-band soft-clipper effect plug-in for Windows.

It shares the layout and crossover network with updated SX36. Each frequency range has the same controls – clipping amount and bias, output gain and modulation.
CL36 is great for taming transients of percussive sounds and generally instruments with sharp attacks and decays. It’s equally useful on full-mixes for squeezing out few extra dBs.
CL36 features
- Three-band soft-clipping with waveshapers.
- Two waveshaping curves – normal and hard.
- Additional full-range soft-clipping stage keeping levels below 0dBFS.
- Waveshaping bias control with optional LFO modulation.
- Mid+Side processing mode.
- Output filtering of low and high ends of spectrum.
- Second order (12dB/oct) crossover to preserve spectrum continuity.
- Zoomable waveform display showing combined channels output.
- 32-bit internal precision with zero latency and low CPU consumption.
J1000 has also released version 1.5 of the SX36 three-band stereo processor, which now also features the new improved crossover network that’s now 12dB/octave (before it was 6dB/oct). Note to current users: it’s not fully compatible with previous version v1.1.
The plug-ins are available for download for Windows (32-bit VST).
More information: J1000
Wow, thank you Ronnie. I did not expect that. I went to my e-mail and found the download link. Again, thanks.
I have some of your older plugins that I downloaded around 2 years ago from vst4free (they seem to have them on their severs so I was able to get them there). They don’t have your newer ones though.
I have never been able to get your newer ones since I can’t access your website. I have also tried two other computers in this house. I have also tried using different browsers, etc.
I have also tried the cache site but it won’t let me download anything. This is frustrating since these are some of the best plug-ins (the older ones I have) that I have
ever used (paid or free).
I would really love to get the new ones you now have out. The Bass/Treble vst, CL36, focus, etc.
Is there a way to access your site so I can download them.
Much thanks
Hi Samuel, can you try http://rekkerd.org/sandbox/J1000/index.html
That was one of the things I tried before, the sandbox window. The window will open, but it won’t let me download anything. These are the ones I do have:
But I downloaded them well over a year ago (maybe 2 years ago or so) from vst4free. I don’t know if any of them have been updated since on your site?
The ones I don’t have which I’m not able to download, and vst4free does not have on there site, are:
I don’t know if there are anymore then these since I can’t access your Website.
Those new ones really look great, and I use the ones I do have all the time.
Much thanks
The sandbox page works, but you can’t download? The download link are .rar files and they are the file sizes (2.5 Mb, 2.6 Mb etc.) Can you right-mouse click and save target as… ?
Hi Ronnie,
I just tried that. I went to the sandbox page and right clicked and tried
several times to “Save target as” on the right side (the MB section).
I also tried the left side just in case. Each time I tried it I had a
“failed download”. I have noticed on this site (that I’m posting on now) that there are some others who have the same problem trying to access and download from the jovankoncar or sandbox website. I have tried over the last year or so to access the jovankoncar site but have not been able to. I’ve also tried on a couple other computers too. I have seen on other plug-in sites other people having problems accessing the jovankoncar site also. I don’t think it’s my computer since I download stuff from the net all the time and never have a problem accessing sites or downloading. I guess I will wait a few months and see if it gets fixed somehow. Thanks anyway, I will try again at a latter time.
What a PITA! This site must be blocked by my isp or something. I can never access this site no matter what browser I use, but was able to in the past.
Did you try adding index.html again? http://www.jovankoncar.com/j1000/index.html
If it doesn’t work let me know and I’ll put up a mirror.
Thanks Ronnie… yes- I tried that and it doesn’t work. Would be kind of you for the mirror. I can only access the cache of the site on Google, but the links don’t work. You know of any way I can test to see if my ISP or something else is the culprit?
Don’t want to bother you every time this site releases a new plugin. If it’s not a lot of trouble; can you also mirror BTQ2- SX36- CH4D- Focus- & Magic- as well? If not, CL36 is good enough.
I would think it’s something in your (ISP) network, you can try to traceroute and see where it stops.
In the meantime, here’s a mirror.
Very interesting…..Usually your sandbox trick works, but for some reason, even the sandbox isn’t working! I’m still getting the timeout or couldn’t connect message. This is the only site this happens on.
Weird, the yahoo email you use for disqus doesn’t seem to work. If you could email me at ronnie@rekkerd.org we can work something out.
Thanks 4 the work-around….got it!
FYI….seems Tracktion 4 is now FREEWARE!