MakeProAudio, the “you make audio gear and IoT-age platform company for all things audio to automation, has announced a novel approach to the customer manufacturer relationship by offering lucrative Membership Stakes to accelerate company growth and groundbreaking platform initiatives.

“With our open modular system for pro audio and control solutions, users and developers are integral parts of a dynamic community that’s democratizing innovation and product development. Inviting the same community to become a part of MakeProAudio completes our collaborative vision.” said Frank Hund MakeProAudio Founder/CEO.
“It’s a circulatory system, rooted in collaborative economic principles where membership contribution serves the community. Not everyone can be an entrepreneur, but now everyone can participate in a company shaping the future of innovation across industry with a stake in the enterprise.” added Hund.
Nachhaltigkeit is the German word for sustainability that was born over 150 years ago in a village near Cologne not far from where MakeProAudio is based. The concepts and social-ecological values conceived by Friedrich Wilhelm Raiffeisen that spawned cooperatives throughout Germany, also forms the underpinnings in the founding of
MakeProAudio music technology and control products, enable anyone to build “Things” that are unique in that they are designed to be reused, repurposed and re-imaged. That includes the sharing of Lego-like modular building block systems, to the release of free APIs and SDKs that enable makers, in a variety of domains to use MPA Tiles such as encoder, motorized fader and RGB button modules in everything from DIY pro audio to home automation projects.
The global trend in sustainable investing and shareholder activism demanding Environmental Social Governance (ESG accountability) is on the rise. MakeProAudio argues company and community member profitability can be consistent with providing product solutions for people and planet. In that light, MakeProAudio is setting the stage for technology companies to put more focus on long term value creation and their role in society and community.
More information: MakeProAudio