Subject Sound and sound designer Jor van der Poel (Camel Audio, Loopmasters, Pyramind, SoundFreqs, ADSR) have launched Modular Synthesis with iOS apps, a new sound design course featuring the Moog Model 15 and Ripplemaker iOS apps.

The course covers modular synthesis fundamentals, basic modules, attenuators and amplifiers, modulating, modulators and modulations, using audio effects, West-coast modules and experimentation.

In this 3-hour course you’ll learn fundamentals and advanced concepts of modular synthesis, how to create your own patches and get the most out of the best modular synth emulations available for iOS: Moog Model 15 and Ripplemaker.

Course contains 20 exclusive lessons (overall over 3 hours of videos) covering both East-coast and West-coast approached to modular synthesis as well as advanced audio synthesis concepts and 20+ patches for Moog Model 15 and Ripplemaker apps.

You can purchase the course for the launch price of 20 EUR until April 29th, 2018 (regular 45 EUR).

Check out the free sample lesson on Moog Model 15’s filter and noise below.

More information: Subject Sound