Man Makes Noise has announced the release of a new collection of sounds for the Phase Plant synthesizer instrument by Kilohearts.

PhaseFreak features 100 cinematic patches sourced from the MicroFreak experimental hybrid synth from Arturia.

I love odd little things that make sound. And Arturia’s MicroFreak is just that kind of a thing. It’s a mighty little beast with a huge sound. Also I love things you can mess around, rearrange and scramble anyway you want. Which is why I love Kilohearts’ Phase Plant. So naturally I had to pair those two up.

I recorded sounds from the MicroFreak and tweaked, turned and generally messed with them inside Phase Plant. The result is a cinematic synth set that has a futuristic scifi sound. The range is from squeaky clean and ethereal to dirty and gritty as heck.

PhaseFreak costs 29 EUR. The soundset is available at an introductory price of 19 EUR until June 9th, 2021. Prices ex. VAT where applicable.

More information: Man Makes Noise