PlugInGuru has returned with a new sound library for the Omnisphere virtual instrument by Spectrasonics.

Produced by John Lehmkuhl, MegaMagic: Viola features a collection of 330 carefully crafted samples used in 15 variations/articulations, bringing new orchestral colors to Omnisphere 2.

PlugInGuru MegaMagic Viola

By using Multis that contain up to 8 samples mapped across the keyboard, MegaMagic: Viola brings solo viola with vibrato, no vibrato, crescendo, down/up stroke, pizzicato, spicatto up stroke, spicatto down stroke, marcato, motion slow, motion fast, motion harmonics, motion whisper and 4 composite sounds made by combining MegaMagic: Cello, MegaMagic: Pads, MegaMagic: Bells & Winds, Del Norte and Viola samples to create: Regalscape, Dreamscape, Flutterscape and Pizzicatoscape.

The 11 main articulations come in 3 different treatments: Dry, Ambient (AMB) and MegaMagic (MM). Dry is the original recordings. Ambient are processed to sound like a concert hall reverb is recorded into the samples. MegaMagic are processed with 3 unique reverbs to create a lush 12 second reverb that rings out with a “magical quality” that is a trademark of all 9 MegaMagic libraries available at the website.

This library contains 128 patches, 81 Multis which stretch far beyond just solo viola samples.

The library is available for the intro price of $42 USD until May 10th, 2018 (regular $49 USD). Requires Omnisphere 2.4 or higher.

More information: PlugInGuru