Sensomusic Usine Hollyhock

Sensomusic has released version 1.02.012 of its Usine Hollyhock music software dedicated to live music and real-time installations.

You’ll find 3 new devices modules: the Leap Motion module, the serial port module (to work with Arduino and other serial devices) and the Wiimote module – create interaction with movements and gestures with the Leap motion, build your own MIDI devices with the Arduino and sensors and conduct your patches with the Wiimote.

Changes in Usine Hollyhock v1.02.012

  • New modules: Serial and Arduino, Wiimote, Leap Motion, Clock, Count milliseconds, Change Scale, Counter, Quantize Data, Quantize Button, Quantize MIDI.
  • Improved MIDI clock management: directly included into the devices. Much more accurate and precise.
  • Improvements in the Doppler library patch, Queue Data in Array module, and MIDI Quantize sub patch.
  • Fixed: important memory crash on store/recall preset of plug-ins.
  • Fixed: [Report #9] on plug-ins module, ‘params’ and ‘params names’ doesn’t update when changing preset.
  • Fixed: [Report #31] on plug-ins module, param value in setting panel doesn’t update when manipulated by patch.
  • Fixed: plug-ins module, in some case, bypass produces noise.
  • Fixed: various details in the Ramp module.
  • Fixed: mapping curves doesn’t work properly on binds.
  • Fixed: [Report #39] buttons and commands colors of the preset manager.

Usine Hollyhock for Windows and Mac is available to purchase for 159 EUR (20% off regular 199 EUR).

More information: Sensomusic