Steinberg has announced version 8.0.2 of WaveLab, an extensive maintenance update to the production environment for mastering, audio editing and restoration.
Version 8.0.2 resolves more than 35 issues related workspaces, plug-ins and editing. Also included are several enhancements, such as performance optimizations under 64-bit OS X.
This update now contains the official WaveLab documentation in all supported languages, such as English, German, French, Italian, Spanish and Japanese.
Changes in WaveLab 8.02
- Several optimizations under Mac OS X 64-bit have been included.
- The PDF manuals are now automatically installed into the WaveLab root directory for easy access.
- The new shortcut entry in the Help menu opens the PDF manual in the language specified (language preferences).
- The Record dialog now includes a “Stays on top” option.
- The Crystal Resampler plug-in now supports 24 kHz and 12 kHz sample rates.
- Various issues resolved. Details in the changelog.
This maintenance update is free of charge.